
The Beginning of a New Era

"Viroco!" tells the captivating story of a hot-headed amateur fighter named Tyren who finds himself thrust into a world filled with extraordinary powers, ancient conflicts, and a war that has raged between good and evil for centuries.

As the inheritor of a great power, Tyren awakens to his latent abilities just as the war between the forces of good and evil reaches a critical turning point. With the fate of the world hanging in the balance, Tyren must embark on a journey of self-discovery, mastering his newfound abilities while uncovering the secrets of the ancient mystical art of Viroco.

Dive Into The Story of Viroco!

Our flagship comic, Viroco!, showcases the vision of Countdown Publishing. Each issue provides an immersive experience, enhanced by the QR code on the back cover. This code directs you to our YouTube channel, where we host our podcast, Nerding with Friends. The podcast discusses each issue and offers behind-the-scenes insights into its creation. Additionally, each chapter links to a playlist of custom-made instrumentals, designed to complement your reading and evoke the feel of watching an anime. Listen to the Viroco! intro music below to get a taste of the experience.

Viroco! #1

After the conclusive battle between Chanje and Zandara, the world anticipates the return of Viroco's two most formidable masters, bearers of an ancient and mystical power. In the distant future, Tyren, a fiery amateur fighter, is thrust into a realm brimming with extraordinary powers, ancient conflicts, and a war that has raged between good and evil for centuries. Will he be ready to confront his destiny when the time comes?

Behind the Pages

A Nerding with Friends podcast series that details each Countdown Publishing story. Check out the breakdown and behind-the-scenes of the first issue of Viroco! below

Preview Pages